TagBar v0.7.3 (2009.01.17) - Release - ADD: Create and add tracks to playlists. A playlist will be created on the first submission attempt, if the playlist hasn't been found in the list retrieved for the logged user from last.fm - ADD: In the preferences, propose the tags or playlists already created for the current user on last.fm - MOD: Don't have a special tab in Preferences -> Tags for last.fm (containing Love, Ban and Playlist), but allow to set any tag to any mode - MOD: Set your session differently. When opening TagBar, you'll first have to create a new user and accept that TagBar will be able to access your last.fm account on the web page - MOD: When a list of files is dropped, pass it right on to another thread handling it. This will avoid hanging both the dropping and the receiving applications. - MOD: Set the Interval and max simultaneous connections with last.fm in the preferences. TagBar will submit what you drop on it with a fixed interval until it reaches the max simultaneous connections. As we're allowed to make 5 calls per second, 200ms is the default value and we're limiting parallel connections to 10 - MOD: Splitted the TagBar project into ConfigurationManager, LastFmManager, TagBar and TagBarBase - MOD: Use lastfm-sharp to talk with last.fm (using API 2.0) - MOD: Save the configuration as an xml again (there are some additional things like e.g. the speed the bar will fade that you can configure) - BUG: The version checker is checking each start a url that went down a few months back... Now it checks the version against sourceforge TagBar v0.7.2 - MOD: Start version checker in its own thread. Why haven't I done that before? o_O - ADD: Display separators between tags on bar (or not) TagBar v0.7.1 - MOD: Look of Tags. The background color became transparent and only text font and color are selectable - MOD: Don't add tags directly onto the bar anymore. A TagControlPanelContainer is docked to fill the center of the bar. TagControlPanels containing TagControls can be added to it. - MOD: Submission modes. SubmitType can be: Tag, AddToPlaylist, Love, Bon, additionnaly the TagMode can be set when tagging: Artist, Album Track. - MOD: Preferences dialogue for above changes - ADD: LastFmLibNet dll and LastFmLibNetManager.cs that is currently only used for testing, but not yet integrated for submissions through the last.fm API 2.0 TagBar v0.6 (2008.05.28) - Release - ADD: Submit Last.fm URLs (Artist, Album and Track) - ADD: Add track to playlist - ADD: Add notify icon (double click to show / hide bar) - ADD: ToolTip showing sumission type and tag name on TagContontrols - ADD: Set submission type for each tagControl - ADD: Set tagControl color depending on its submission type - ADD: Set 'fade to' background color for each tag group - ADD: Load/Save Configuration as - ADD: Select bar location on launch: top left, center, right and last close down position - MOD: Submission process. Submit 1 track each second in separate threads - MOD: Keep previously selected index in the comboBox on bar refresh - MOD: Better start with wrong username, password combo, Still not perfect... - MOD: Using taglib-sharp - BUG: Keep the selected view in the preferences category chooser - BUG: Update bar backcolor and display tags with correct sizes on bar refresh TagBar v0.5 (2008.02.02) - Release - ADD: Configuration is now being done through GUI. The preferences are stored as serialized object an not as xml anymore. - ADD: A progress bar has been added to the main window to show the progression of the submissions. It's only visible if tags are being submitted - ADD: Love/Ban tracks - ADD: Log window to see what's going on while it's submitting. - MOD: All multi threaded goodness :) There is a thread for the GUI and one managing and submitting the tags TagBar v0.4 (2007.12.17) - Release - ADD: Versionchecker to be notified of new versions - MOD: Added 'System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false' to avoid adding this header which seems to disturb last.fm now. TagBar v0.3 (2007.05.13) - Release - ADD: When dropping a folder onto tagbar it will submit all the tracks found in this folder and all sub-folders. - ADD: log4net as logging engine. - MOD: Using taglib-sharp (ver. 1.9.99992) to read tags of audio files. Instead of filtering the tracks to submit by their extension (e.g. mp3) all dropped files will be sent to the tag reader; if the tag can be read it will be submitted, if not, it will be discarded. TagBar v0.1 (2006.05.05) - Release - Initial release